4-H Demonstrations

Show how to do or make something

4th and 5th Grade

General Contest Rules

  • Time limit is 2-5 minutes. Points will be deducted for being over/under time limit.
  • Individual demonstrations only, no teams. No audience participation. Do not use brands or labels. No live animals, babies, fireworks, weapons, or anything else prohibited at school. If food is used, make sure there are no food allergies.
  • Competition is by project and not grade.
  • Visual aid is required but is limited to either 6 posters or 6 slides. If Power Point/Google slides are used, they MUST be saved in a PDF format and emailed to your teacher BEFORE your classroom contest day. NO music, videos, special effects, or animations should be added to the slides. A projector will be provided
    • Poster/Slide suggestions- Title board, ingredients/items needed, steps to complete what is being demonstrated, an image of completed item. This is just to name a few.
  • Computers & Technology Project area may use additional technology, but it must relate to your presentation and provided by you.

4-H Project Areas

BeefCitizenshipClothing & Textiles
Communications/Public SpeakingCompanion AnimalComputers & Technology
Consumer Education/EconomicsDairyElectric
Engineering/Safety ScienceEntomologyForestry, Wildlife, & Fisheries
Food ScienceGoatHorse
Horticulture/GardenLeadershipCreative Arts & Design
Nutrition, Health, & FitnessPerforming ArtsPersonal Development
PhotographyPlant SciencePoultry
SwineVeterinary Science